This is the 200th post here at Who Is George Mills? I've been at this for a year now—so long that, when I started, I didn't know if George Mills was dead or alive. Had I known the answer last March 7th, you would be reading "Who Was George Mills?" instead!
Websites in a blog-format like this one can be notoriously difficult to navigate and use. I have tried to do a few things to make it easier, though:
• First, on the sidebar at the right, you'll find a Google-powered search engine that will specifically find words, years, or phrases found solely within this website. For example, in my last post I mentioned George's brother, Arthur Hobart Mills, spent part of the war in Palestine. Entering "palestine" will enable you to access every post containing that word (including this one).
• Below that you'll find a "Tag Cloud," in which the most popular 'threads' are contained [albeit in tiny print]. Recently we had been examining the lives of George Mills and his sisters, Agnes and Violet, as croquet players. Clicking "croquet" in the tag cloud will allow you to browse the thread in which all items are about the particular topic: Croquet.
• Finally, near the bottom of the sidebar you'll find a list of the 10 posts that simply have drawn the most "traffic"—the most Popular Posts, if you will, for whatever reason.
Hopefully, these "gadgets" will allow you to navigate through this large amount of material with and use it with at least some semblance of ease!
I know that the 10,700-some "hits" this website has received over its first year isn't all that many. Sites like Amazon or ESPN probably get over 10,000 hits per second. Still, thanks to everyone who has been so kind and generous and who have made asking the question, "Who Is George Mills?" so interesting, rewarding, and enlightening for me!
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