Even on holiday, my thoughts return to George Mills…
As you may recall, several weeks ago I wrote a post about Sir Arthur Mordaunt Mills. It was based on a message I’d received form Guy Williams, the archivist at Wellington College [pictured, left], one of the institutions attended by George’s brother, Arthur Frederick Hobart Mills, from 1900 to 1903.
Williams tossed in another Mills, mentioning that he was a “family member,” and that was Sir Arthur:
Arthur Mordaunt Mills
1892-1896 Hardinge dormitory
Son of Col. A McL. Mills IA
Dormitory Prefect
Shooting VIII 94-96
(very long war record, please let me know if you want the details)
Married Winifred Alice Carew (1908), who died (1931); married Hilda Young (1940).
Address in 1948: Maj. Gen. Sir Arthur Mills CB, DSO, The Little House, Enton Green, Godalming, Surrey

Now, there's word from a relative of Sir Arthur:
Sent: 03 July 2010 20:25
Subject: Major General Sir Arthur Mordaunt Mills
Dear Mr Williams,
I have been reading your article on George Mills and came across “spending a day with Sir Arthur”.
He was my paternal grandfather and from what I have read I don’t think we are related. I will forward this on to my brother who has done a bit of research about the Mills’s. Sir Arthur and his father spent most of their time in India and I am at the moment in possession of some old photo albums dating back to 1890 mostly of the Mills family. My grandfather has put names to most of the people.
However Wingate does ring a bell. Sadly my father died 2 years ago at the great age of 91 and he would have been able to tell us. I don’t think heaven has a direct line!!

Yours sincerely Teresa (nee Mills) Adderley
I’ll look forward to hearing from Teresa or Sebastian for confirmation. I certainly appreciate the time the family took to let me know about Sir Arthur Mordaunt Mills. And, Teresa, if you ever do discover the number of a direct line to heaven, I hope you'll share that as well! There are some loved ones there I'd love to reach one more time...
If more information comes in, as always, I’ll keep you posted. Meanwhile, back to my vacation here in sunny and very hot Grand Rapids, Michigan [pictured, left]!
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